The Universe is likely the shape of a chromosome and may divide and multiply in a similar manner. DNA may literally reflect the structure and information contaned within the universe.
The Universe micro and Macro
I believe the triangle 3,6,9 in part of the vortex math but separate in that it is space itself. once vacuum energy is achieved it allows energy to flow from mirrored layers of space each layer a slightly hire frequency. therefore when the vortex energy exits the vacuum zero point energy each magnetic field is larger since is is fusing into a deeper layer of space. The 9 is the top and bottom of the mirrored layers of space. The 1,2,4,8,7,5 represent the dual vortex that exists within all planets and all atoms.
the magnetic fields of the 1,2,4,8,7,5 are eliptical and the sum total always reduces to 9. This can only mean that the universe is a cascading set of all seeing eyes. Each eye seeing all energy layers as all information within the vortex is brought back to the 9.
This is also why the human eye and all visible light seeing eyes have an outer positive energy layer and a negative charge at the center. the only difference is the dynamic range of the human eye is limited to visible light. whereas the universe sees all.
the magnetic fields of the 1,2,4,8,7,5 are eliptical and the sum total always reduces to 9. This can only mean that the universe is a cascading set of all seeing eyes. Each eye seeing all energy layers as all information within the vortex is brought back to the 9.
This is also why the human eye and all visible light seeing eyes have an outer positive energy layer and a negative charge at the center. the only difference is the dynamic range of the human eye is limited to visible light. whereas the universe sees all.
The universe may actually be the shape of a diamond ... the closer to the 9 of the universe the hire the frequency and the greater the gravity.
our visible world being the yellow
vacuum energy opens up the zero point energy that is the center of the 1,2,4,8,7,5
just as our consciousness effects can effect our physical world the consciousness of the universe can effect the horizontal plains out vaccume energy fuses to
our visible world being the yellow
vacuum energy opens up the zero point energy that is the center of the 1,2,4,8,7,5
just as our consciousness effects can effect our physical world the consciousness of the universe can effect the horizontal plains out vaccume energy fuses to
Planets first form vacuum via rings similar to the rings of Saturn. The movement from the 2d world to the 4 d world we know and experience every day occurs when the vacuume energy builds to a large enough negative pressure. The Vacuum pulls hydrogen within hydrogen this is known as atomic hydrogen. I believe this occurs in a dynamic fashion meaning hydrogen small and fast enters hydrogen big and slow. this energy is copiously transferred between the hydrogens to create 4 dimensional hydrogen. Molecular Hydrogen was first theorized by Paul Marmet a very well respected Canadian nuclear physicist. I believe spoon theory provides a physical model to support the geometric hydrogen theory. I believe the geometry occurs in the form of a tesseract. This dynamic structure throws a hologram and for a time resembles a pyramid with a slightly flattened top as reflected in ancient pyramid architecture. The movement simultaneously pulls a hologram.
Here you see a collapsing bubble. As the energy release resembles an inverted pyramid which resembles the energy structure of the universe itself
A vacuum energy event
I believe the micro jet is the information entering the "9" of the 3,6,9 eye of the universe
First five points of a star system
the diamond shape voids create the vacuums that start the vacuume energy engines of the planets 2 x 2 in binary fashion
each step creating exponentially more planets
The planets begin to fuse or create atomic hydrogen and helium to fuel the future suns
Before the suns the four primary planetary bands are very organized. At this stage the stone planets achieve consciousness and become capable of movement. This is reflected in the perfectly round stones primarily found in Central America and some parts of Europe. these stones contain amorphous materials capable of changing its properties. This combined with the extreme cold of a pre sun age would also allow super conductivity and therefore locomotion. Silicon based life and carbon based life is created within earths polar lakes when passing the galactic plain center. This is resonance point which can also be looked at as perfect focus electromagnetically.
Upon achieving super gravity the suns begin to pull the well ordered strings of binary planets towards themselves. most of the heavy metal or iron containing planets are picked up as moons by larger planets. However it is the norm for at least one or more Gas or ice giant planets to collide with the Sun. This is what pushed almost all celestial bodies off of the galactic plain birth canal of our star system.
As you can see the ring of fire is symmetrical. meaning if you remove the Pacific Ocean it connects or fits together. Their is also evidence that land on the Far East and far west of the ring is the same. I believe what created this event I was a collision with our sun and a celestial body after it achieved fusion. During this time carbon based life wold have had time to establish and flurish. If you look closely you will also see that the Tonga trench is the last straight polar lake before challenger deep that likely marks the beginning of the ring of fire and the jurassic extinction and the great flood in which science tells us nothing survived. I therefore believer that this marks the point in which our local solar system left the galactic plain birth canal for all subsequent polar lakes are oval in shape, meaning the earth is spiraling around the galactic plain as we pass it. I also believe the pacific was created very rapidly due to trapped oxygen caused by this instant ice age. It is known by science that the earth creates and stores oxygen within her polar lakes I believe it is meant to be released during polar shift. This oxygen is held in clathrates ( clathrates act as time release cages for this oxygen) to be released at precisely the right time. if this oxygen Is trapped under ice it would instead marry with abundant hydrogen to form water and what we know today as the Pacific Ocean. Note this is precisely why I am against global cooling efforts prior to a polar shift.
Here you can see the remanence of the 4 original well
ordered binary planetary strings
We are taught the center of planets and suns are hot and or molten, science that supports a cold, core driven by clean vacuum energy also exists and I believe it to be the truth. The sun is in my opinion cold at the core, it is a Finely tuned instrument that fuses hydrogen made by the planets at the exact power wavelength and gravity required as for the magnetic frequencies to fuse hydrogen using coronal bands. This is why we sometimes see sunspots for the core is vacuum energy. The earth and all planets are fueled by vacuum energy, this is also the energy of life, it is sequenced by an all seeing universe that creates love and life out of its own energy.
I would like to add additional points regarding the above and how it relates to DNA ....and the four histones, I would like to know if the angle of the DNA information within the double helix changed pre and post jurassic extinction, for I find it compelling that the current angle is very close to the angle we are currently approaching the galactic plain. This would indicate that the actual information with the DNA vortex is from the universe via the sequenced unseen dark energy.
I believe all advanced life is created within polar lakes during polar shift to completion, meaning there is no evolution (which is commonly confused with gene expression), just advanced race after advanced race with all living things being created by Mother Earth within her polar lakes.
I believe all advanced life is created within polar lakes during polar shift to completion, meaning there is no evolution (which is commonly confused with gene expression), just advanced race after advanced race with all living things being created by Mother Earth within her polar lakes.