Timothy Telymonde independent for congress lets make a difference together
I promise you that I cannot be corrupted and will be on the peoples side of every issue
Please Help me get the necessary 5000 signatures so that we can make a difference for all
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Signatures can be mailed of dropped off at:
Timothy Telymonde
Po box 169 otway
Ohio 45657
Timothy Telymonde
1712 11th street
pmb 110
Portsmouth Ohio 45662
Please call me at 740-352-9594 if you any questions that i can help with
All signatures must be collected by the weekend of March 15th and delivered by 18th of March.
If you can help to collect signatures please reach out to me at your earliest convenience
Timothy Telymonde
Po box 169 otway
Ohio 45657
Timothy Telymonde
1712 11th street
pmb 110
Portsmouth Ohio 45662
Please call me at 740-352-9594 if you any questions that i can help with
All signatures must be collected by the weekend of March 15th and delivered by 18th of March.
If you can help to collect signatures please reach out to me at your earliest convenience
I am writing this because i have an urgent heart felt concern regarding geo engineering. I understand there are may different opinions and beliefs regarding this all-important subject. In a concerted effort to uncover the truth I personally traveled to lake Baikal located in Siberia. lake Baikal holds 23 % of the Earths fresh water and all evidence points to lake Baikal as formally being a southern polar lake. Our current southern polar lake is lake Vostok of Antarctica. These classes of lakes are proportionally similar in length, depth, width and shape. The Great lakes of North America are formally southern polar lakes with Lake Superior being the most recent. Many lakes of this class are now below sea level. Lakes that were formally southern polar lakes have a depth layer that remains at a pH of 7.24, this is the same pH as the female placenta. New life and never recorded DNA has been reported by scientists working at Lake Vostok. I therefore pose that southern polar lakes are genesis locations. Since most of the information resides on the galactic equator which is also polar shift plain one would deduct that the timing of genesis events would have to be close to earths passage of the galactic plain. The Galactic polar shift plain runs through the center of the black hole in the middle of our galaxy. Another interesting attribute of this class of lake is that is creates massive amounts of oxygen and hydrogen clathrate. If the oxygen within the oxygen clathrate were released it would be enough to refill our entire atmosphere. There is enough hydrogen clathrate to marry with the oxygen clathrate under pressure to create an entire ocean. During warm polar shifts new life is created and the oxygen to support new life is released. This oxygen is meant to mitigate the 90% loss in atmospheric oxygen predicted by most scientist to occur at polar shift. During cold polar shifts, the magnetic fields, temperature and barometer drop creating extreme cold. The dropping barometer fractures the oxygen and hydrogen clathrate creating new water on Earth. This new water will create extreme pressure due to the many miles of ice over lake Vostok. This will trigger ice 7 which expands at roughly 1000 miles per hour. This is the expanding ice wedge that created every large body of water and split every continent. The Atlantic and the Pacific were created due to successive frozen polar shifts. To summarize, the above ocean creating events are extinction events warm polar shifts are oxygen releasing genesis events. My concern is that evidence shows that our north pole has migrated beyond 40 degrees and at 45 degrees Earth will polar shift. I am therefore troubled to witness numerous geo cooling projects being executed in parallel. My first concern is subterranean geo nuclear engineering. These events can be viewed as induced earthquakes. These are relatively small events however the cumulative effect is thinning of the atmosphere via magnetic field weakening which brings the coldness of space closer to Earth’s surface, This is often referred to as a nuclear winter. Next our Sun is almost continually blocked by chemical trails, of course this not covered by the media; however, the evidence is in every soil sample. My third an final concern is the parker probe which was launched on august 12 2018. This probe reached our Sun in record time. Upon reaching the far side of our Sun, every planet in our solar system cooled. In parallel the predicted grand solar maximum was reversed to a grand solar minimum. To sum it all up the evidence points to a geo cooling program that is large enough is size and scope to weaponize the pending polar shift. This weaponization will only occur if the oxygen and hydrogen clathrate remain trapped under enough ice over lake Vostok to trigger an ice 7 event upon the magnetic release, barometer drop and magnetic realignment of polar shift. I would urge you to do everything in your power to bring attention to this all-important issue and in so doing put an end to all weather modification programs globally.
Iranian Cargo ships are cloaked and very strange exchanges of cargo and oil tankers is ongoing, i believe iran, north korea are supplying enriched uranium to the black market for the purpose of geo engineering which again is to cool earth and hence further weaponize the pending polar shift. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-business-iran-bahamas-c0577bf7718055d730a3b72802c132c2
I believe enriched uranium is also being shipped out of Ukraine, to its northern boarder. The destabilization of ukraine is what is enabling additional enriched uranium to reach black market.
Sincerely Timothy Telymonde
[email protected]
(740) 352-9594
I believe enriched uranium is also being shipped out of Ukraine, to its northern boarder. The destabilization of ukraine is what is enabling additional enriched uranium to reach black market.
Sincerely Timothy Telymonde
[email protected]
(740) 352-9594
Induced earthquake map
Sun dimming graph
The following graph shows the seismic profile of the 2004 North Korean under ground nuclear test closely matches the seismic events that induced the 2011 Japanese Tsunami.
Additionally, this graph shows the dramatic increase in induced earthquakes, at the present time.
The above graph explains what may have been behind this catastrophic attack upon our planet and
all of her inhabitants, as radiation continues to pour out of these reactors, into the our pacific ocean.
The following link shows that subterenian geo nuclear detonations and fracking are reducing earths gravitational strength for the kilogram is not lighter https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/169448-good-news-dieters-the-kilo-is-losing-weight-changing-all-of-science-but-unfortunately-we-dont-know-why
I must watch regarding Vaccine injury
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Earth is meant to steadily and rapidly warm up until Polar shift which is a drastic cooling event. Geo cooling pre polar shift will likely cause a severe ice age due to trapped atmospheric gasses needed to replenish atmospheric losses during polar shift. These replacement gasses release upon barometer drop which is projected to be 10X durion the polar shift event.
Regarding geo-Engineering of Earth and the Sun
Geo cooling is trapping oxygen clathrate that is fracturing with every subterranean nuclear geo cooling event and since it can't escape the ice, it is marrying with free hydrogen to create new H2O ..... This is the real reason behind the global fresh water flood and the drop in salinity within the oceans globally. If these critical atmospheric gasses don't release during the ultimate clathrate fracturing barometer drop of a polar shift. The newly freed oxygen will marry with free hydrogen to create an entirely new ocean. This new ocean will immediately freeze under pressure, likely creating an ice 7 event. Ice 7 moves at 1000 miles per hour. Oil removal could the thermal insulation to deep core water. This could fracturing bed rock to Earths foundation. The atmosphere without these replacement gasses will thin to an extinction level ice age temperatures, if the atmosphere thins enough it could reduce the oceans oxygen output enough to further cool adding the positive feedback loop, triggered by the trapped Vostok gasses .... The answer is to thaw Vostok before it's to late .... Earths is meant to steadily warm up to an an abrupt vertical temperature drop of the actual polar shift.
In regard to the Suns recent cooling event I ask that you please investigate the Parker probe mission. I believe the evidence will show that all planets have been greatly effected. Uranus has increased in brightness which i believe is our unborn center Sun (Sunaru). Uranus spelled backwards "Sun is there" translated in multiple languages ... All Sun's poles face the planets. Planets create the hydrogen and helium Suns consume. This is why they’re polar vortexes face the planets and are in alignment with the planetary galactic plain. (Sunaru) Uranus greatly increased in brightness the moment the Sun cooled. This coincided with the moment the parker probe reached our Suns far pole. This would make sense since Uranus (Sunaru) would rapidly consume the excess hydrogen our weakened would provide. Of course this will exponential shorten our suns life. I care are not to discuss the ramifications of our center sun achieving outer pinch fusion of hydrogen. There are proposals to geo cool the Sun presently, my concern is that it has already begun and I ask the scientific community to look into this quickly yet carefully.
General information on lake Vostok of Antartica.
Here are additional reference links that support paragraph 1
The kilogram looses 50 micrograms of mass may be due to subterranean nuclear geo-engineering that greatly weakens earths magnetic field while thinning and cooling the atmosphere. This of course has a significant cooling effect.
Lake Vostok is more than two miles (4000 m, 13,000 ft) below the central Antarctic ice
Lake Vostok has an estimated temperature of −3 °C, a few degrees below freezing, but remains a liquid because of the immense pressure of the ice above it. Lake Vostok is also known to be a supersaturated oxygen environment, with oxygen levels 50 times higher than typical lakes on the surface
A team of scientists that recently investigated the levels of dissolved gases in the remote Antarctic lake found the concentrations of gas in the lake water were much higher than expected, measuring 2.65 quarts (2.5 liters) of nitrogen and oxygen per 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of water. According to scientists, this high ratio of gases trapped under the ice will cause a gas-driven "fizz" when the water is released.
Nasa link
Not man made but still an potential extinction event due to cooling
Here are additional reference links that support paragraph 2
The Parker probe / sun cooling supporting links
Saturns rapidly loosing it rings
Planets solar orbits slow.
Jupiter changes color to a lower wavelength
The following video can be played via cell phone and will answer most of your questions as to the origins of life, energy the true structure of earth and finally the polar shift
Note Global cooling efforts could inhibit the release of clathrates that hold a replacement atmosphere deep within lake Vostok in Antartica. without the ice melt and subsequent atmospheric release there is literally nothing to counter the projected 90% reduction in atmospheric pressure projected during a pole shift realignment. If this continues to go unaddressed, we could literally create a Mars like atmospheric catastrophe, whereas the Martian pole lake did not thaw. Note all planets including Mars are warming at exponentially greater rates than earth simply because of mans misguided intervention.
This is a back up video. it is the same as above, it has a long load time because is it self hosted
Regarding water running away from the east side of the southern hemisphere land masses. water moves more slowly when land shifts leaving the
voids or receding that may reflect a series of clockwise movements from the
pivot point of Earths Equator
voids or receding that may reflect a series of clockwise movements from the
pivot point of Earths Equator
Since Magnitude is a nonlinear, earthquake events cannot be added. Therefore we have converted thousands of events to joules, the graph tells us there is a never before wittiness about of power being generated in the form of earth quakes and the trend is increasing almost daily.
2004 event was likely due to a nuclear test, 2011 Japan quake is still under being evaluated at due to atmospheric anomalies presently we are in uncharted territory presently
Oklahoma geological study made a prediction graph that is
seeming to agree with our magnitude to joules conversion graph
Note: the reason we converted to Jules is because magnitudes cannot be added
because they are non linear
because they are non linear
Now lets look at the galactic plain which as we approach is
driving the associated events
North and south are really positive and negative and the Galactic plain is Neutral.
When Mother Earth passes the galactic plain which is the electromagnetic equator of the universe the positives flip to align with the positives or negatives with neutral. The line going through earth explains its tilt away from the Sun which creates the seasons. This is because the earth north south is pinned perpendicular to the galactic plain that the sun is approaching at a likely angle of 23 degrees, when the earth passes this plain it must pole shift, the precursor to this would likely be exactly what we are seeing in ocean recession and Earthquake data
When Mother Earth passes the galactic plain which is the electromagnetic equator of the universe the positives flip to align with the positives or negatives with neutral. The line going through earth explains its tilt away from the Sun which creates the seasons. This is because the earth north south is pinned perpendicular to the galactic plain that the sun is approaching at a likely angle of 23 degrees, when the earth passes this plain it must pole shift, the precursor to this would likely be exactly what we are seeing in ocean recession and Earthquake data
The earth has 4 poles electro magnetically on each side of the equator
energy enters the sides of the earth and exit the poles taking material in the process hence creating the long kidney shaped pole lakes (This cycle it is lake Vostok in Antartica) these lakes create all life via cold fusion deep within the planet within her dark energy hydrogen powered core, (think as DNA as a celestial hydrogen twist held in place by a sugar backbone, earth decodes and births this self realizing consciousness within her pole lakes during galactic plain passages when all 8 primary magnetic fields are in alignment with the universe.) as the dark energy exits the poles it carves out the pole lakes and deposits the material as rolling hills and mountains. This is why Everest is the the biggest, it is in alignment with the first pole lake Baikal in Siberia. This is how the earth renews herself from the center out and subsequently creates life during Galactic plain passages. This is also why the first advanced civilization settled near they're birth place and mover 4000 ton stones. This is more that a modern crane can move today and can only be accomplished by mentally focusing the dark energy that powers the planet. I would also like to mention that water has memory. It harmonizes and is attracted to the dark energy of space as the energy enters the sides of the planet it literally pulls the water into the clouds and the tops of the mountains from the center of Mother Earth . Dark energy is the true driving vortex at the center of every tornado, hurricane, planet, solar system, universe and multiverse. Note: the only way we should be drinking waters out of unglazed round clay vessels drawn from natural wells. All resources should be applied to cleaning the planet and ending the catastrophic effects of chem trail global cooling. that again. will disrupt Earths delicate balance and likely cause a Mars like atmospheric catastrophe, whearas the poles did not thaw and the replacement atmosphere under the martian pole lake was never released. It is also interesting to note that Mars is currently exponentially warming more rapidly than Earth, simply because man is not currently attempting to Geo-Engineer Mars.
energy enters the sides of the earth and exit the poles taking material in the process hence creating the long kidney shaped pole lakes (This cycle it is lake Vostok in Antartica) these lakes create all life via cold fusion deep within the planet within her dark energy hydrogen powered core, (think as DNA as a celestial hydrogen twist held in place by a sugar backbone, earth decodes and births this self realizing consciousness within her pole lakes during galactic plain passages when all 8 primary magnetic fields are in alignment with the universe.) as the dark energy exits the poles it carves out the pole lakes and deposits the material as rolling hills and mountains. This is why Everest is the the biggest, it is in alignment with the first pole lake Baikal in Siberia. This is how the earth renews herself from the center out and subsequently creates life during Galactic plain passages. This is also why the first advanced civilization settled near they're birth place and mover 4000 ton stones. This is more that a modern crane can move today and can only be accomplished by mentally focusing the dark energy that powers the planet. I would also like to mention that water has memory. It harmonizes and is attracted to the dark energy of space as the energy enters the sides of the planet it literally pulls the water into the clouds and the tops of the mountains from the center of Mother Earth . Dark energy is the true driving vortex at the center of every tornado, hurricane, planet, solar system, universe and multiverse. Note: the only way we should be drinking waters out of unglazed round clay vessels drawn from natural wells. All resources should be applied to cleaning the planet and ending the catastrophic effects of chem trail global cooling. that again. will disrupt Earths delicate balance and likely cause a Mars like atmospheric catastrophe, whearas the poles did not thaw and the replacement atmosphere under the martian pole lake was never released. It is also interesting to note that Mars is currently exponentially warming more rapidly than Earth, simply because man is not currently attempting to Geo-Engineer Mars.