Gravity Explained
Spoon theory space pulled out of nothing applied to gravity
First I would like to summarize the vacuum energy principal of spoon theory, meaning that space its pulled or expanded through centrifugal force allowing space of traveling at a hire frequency to enter. upon this event occurring a hologram of energy representing the fabric geometric shape of that specific energy layer of space visible
and or measurable. The shape that best describes this event is a tesseract as shown below.
and or measurable. The shape that best describes this event is a tesseract as shown below.
Vacuum energy
Vacuum energy within vacuum energy
below is space in layers each line is an energy layer that is extremely thin and a super conductor, each line runs to infinity but they're are multiple infinities. in the center is a tesseract ..
imagine a circular ring around the tesseract that through centrifugal force pulls a vacuum each energy line is allowing energy from one layer to protrude or cransverst through the other layer
The layers are sepeared by a dielectric layer
each energy line is positive in relation to center which represents zero point energy.
their can be sub lines to create off zero point neutrals
when the vacuum is pulled the energy moves through zero point energy
this is the point in which the four dimensional Holographic universe is created
as this occurs the capacitance between the energy layers causes the deeper layers of space to feel the vacuum energy moment throughout all layers of space
this allows the vacuum energy to build and pull a larger vacuum deeper into the space energy layers
the deeper the layer the larger the magnetic field
because each point in space is slightly different the frequency of each holographic 4 dimensional energy that is our universe is slightly different
this allows the energy layers of space to identify each point of energy including changes to this energy as it passed the zero point energy layer.
this is known as resonance.
so when the four dimensional atomic layer is created it throws a magnetic field that is proportional to that layer it is vacuum fusing to .... again the dielectric layer between the layers of space allows for the storage of massive amounts of energy
the magnetic field is actually sequenced to the energy layer it is derived from.
since the vacuum energy of deeper layers are running faster the outer magnetic fields of earth are accelerated by this and additional energy is added to the outer magnetic field layers of earth via compression between magnetic fields that also create sub harmonic frequencies.
this creates vacuum energy within the elliptical magnetic bands of earths magnetosphere. this creates outer zero point energy events that I believe act as remote nerve endings and eyes in the outer magnetic fields of earth. this is all part of a sequenced feed back loop into the overall conscious universe that processes this information to sustain and create life compiatable with our biosphere while at the same time protecting earth from harmful radiation and holding in our atmosphere.
changes of this magnetic field and the outer magnetic fields are felt in real time at the many zero point energy transition points including the primary vacuum fusion core of earth.
the deeper a planet vacuum fuses into space the stronger the gravitational pull
again since all points are felt by all layers of space through the capitative and dielectric layers many small points (meaning points that are not fusing very deep into the layers of space) can build up a gravity as well
this model also explains while all materials are super conductors at one atom thick ....this is where they resemble they're origination point as fine energy layers of space itself conclusion gravity is the resonance between space and our four dimensional holographic universe because each and every point is mapped sequenced and is effecting through its vibration the capacitive dielectric layers of space or the fabric of space otherwise stated
the layers of dark energy or dark matter creating a depression in proportion to its origination depth and or and change in its frequency / vibration
imagine a circular ring around the tesseract that through centrifugal force pulls a vacuum each energy line is allowing energy from one layer to protrude or cransverst through the other layer
The layers are sepeared by a dielectric layer
each energy line is positive in relation to center which represents zero point energy.
their can be sub lines to create off zero point neutrals
when the vacuum is pulled the energy moves through zero point energy
this is the point in which the four dimensional Holographic universe is created
as this occurs the capacitance between the energy layers causes the deeper layers of space to feel the vacuum energy moment throughout all layers of space
this allows the vacuum energy to build and pull a larger vacuum deeper into the space energy layers
the deeper the layer the larger the magnetic field
because each point in space is slightly different the frequency of each holographic 4 dimensional energy that is our universe is slightly different
this allows the energy layers of space to identify each point of energy including changes to this energy as it passed the zero point energy layer.
this is known as resonance.
so when the four dimensional atomic layer is created it throws a magnetic field that is proportional to that layer it is vacuum fusing to .... again the dielectric layer between the layers of space allows for the storage of massive amounts of energy
the magnetic field is actually sequenced to the energy layer it is derived from.
since the vacuum energy of deeper layers are running faster the outer magnetic fields of earth are accelerated by this and additional energy is added to the outer magnetic field layers of earth via compression between magnetic fields that also create sub harmonic frequencies.
this creates vacuum energy within the elliptical magnetic bands of earths magnetosphere. this creates outer zero point energy events that I believe act as remote nerve endings and eyes in the outer magnetic fields of earth. this is all part of a sequenced feed back loop into the overall conscious universe that processes this information to sustain and create life compiatable with our biosphere while at the same time protecting earth from harmful radiation and holding in our atmosphere.
changes of this magnetic field and the outer magnetic fields are felt in real time at the many zero point energy transition points including the primary vacuum fusion core of earth.
the deeper a planet vacuum fuses into space the stronger the gravitational pull
again since all points are felt by all layers of space through the capitative and dielectric layers many small points (meaning points that are not fusing very deep into the layers of space) can build up a gravity as well
this model also explains while all materials are super conductors at one atom thick ....this is where they resemble they're origination point as fine energy layers of space itself conclusion gravity is the resonance between space and our four dimensional holographic universe because each and every point is mapped sequenced and is effecting through its vibration the capacitive dielectric layers of space or the fabric of space otherwise stated
the layers of dark energy or dark matter creating a depression in proportion to its origination depth and or and change in its frequency / vibration
So within this model it would be the vibrational energy difference between energy above zero point energy and the vibrational energy mirrored below of said zero point energy
Z=Z squared plus C above zero point energy
Z=Z squared plus C below zero point energy
(factoring in capacitance between the energy layers) we arrive at a transversing frequency in our holographic universe. the atoms we see are the repeating but slightly different geometrical wire frames of the energy layers that contain this energy within its holographic frame
We can apply Newtons gravity theory to the same fractal principal to finding roots of the fractals ..... the larger the transition above and below zero point energy the larger the gravity number.
Z=Z squared plus C above zero point energy
Z=Z squared plus C below zero point energy
(factoring in capacitance between the energy layers) we arrive at a transversing frequency in our holographic universe. the atoms we see are the repeating but slightly different geometrical wire frames of the energy layers that contain this energy within its holographic frame
We can apply Newtons gravity theory to the same fractal principal to finding roots of the fractals ..... the larger the transition above and below zero point energy the larger the gravity number.
Mandelbrot fractal based on Newton's method for
finding roots applied to:
z^3 + (c-1)*z - c = 0
Set the Classic Controller to Newton and use the
Julia preview window to explore the Julia fractals.
This equation is described in:
Curry, J. H., Garnett, L., and Sullivan, D.,
"On the iteration of a rational function:
computer experiments with Newton's method,"
Commun. Math. Phys. 91 (1983), page 267-277.
FSK.OverrideValue("RootDetection", True)
z = z - (z^3 + (c-1)*z - c)/(3*z^2 + c-1)
finding roots applied to:
z^3 + (c-1)*z - c = 0
Set the Classic Controller to Newton and use the
Julia preview window to explore the Julia fractals.
This equation is described in:
Curry, J. H., Garnett, L., and Sullivan, D.,
"On the iteration of a rational function:
computer experiments with Newton's method,"
Commun. Math. Phys. 91 (1983), page 267-277.
FSK.OverrideValue("RootDetection", True)
z = z - (z^3 + (c-1)*z - c)/(3*z^2 + c-1)
The Tesseract in the center represents the transition between
energy layers of space and the fractal geometry being
reflected in the fractal holographic wire frame of the
respective energy layer
Note: although the horizontal lines are short in the center they are infinite in length. the longer lines represent multiple infinities in multiple lengths. this also explains how the universe can accommodate the creation on an infinite number of universes for each line is expanding at infinite speed. this is also why one atom thick materials of any type are super conductors meaning zero resistance. therefore this model not only explains gravity but it also explains infinity. Time is a sequence of events remembered not actual time. to step out of our (holographic 4d) universe is to see and feel all things simultaneously with perfect clarity for it is all perfectly organized and every point at a slightly different frequency allowing disernment and clarity of all things at once.